Doodle Reflection

Under Pressure

There is this very common belief that if you try to make money doing something creative, you will kill your love for it. Although it doesn’t have to be true, I think it is a common belief for a very legitimate reason. And this is the same reason behind any experience any of us have when we start out enjoying something and end up resenting it or avoiding it.

Is It Time to Play Yet?

Is It Time to Play Yet?

It was mid-afternoon. Prime work time. I’ve been banging away on my laptop getting stuff done, but out the corner of my eyes, I have been watching big fluffy white flakes falling from the sky for a while. I felt my inner child getting antsy, squirming in her seat, desperately wanting to run outside.

Is Following Your Heart Impractical?

Is Following Your Heart Impractical?

…At one point he remarked that he usually doesn’t get along with artists because they just want to do whatever they want to do and he always wants to bring them back to the numbers. Sadly, somehow, this seems to be the general perception that society has of creatives and artists. That we just “follow our hearts” and do whatever we want. That we are impractical…

7 Harmful Messages About Creativity

7 Harmful Messages About Creativity

I often hear heart-breaking stories of why people got disconnected from their creative spirit. As a teacher, I often heard how a teacher told someone they had no talent or that they were doing it wrong. I see people struggling to justify their creative work to the people in their lives or even to the internalized voices in their heads. These messages are so prevalent that I struggle with some of them too, even though I make things every day. Here are seven common harmful messages.

We All Do It...

We All Do It...

We all say we want things and then don’t make it happen. All of us. And the beginning of every single year is a time where so many of us get caught up in the whirlwind of making big goals and, oftentimes, do not succeed in achieving them by the end of the year.

This has caused so many people to give up on making goals which is totally understandable - why set yourself up for failure?

It's Time to Do It Imperfectly!

It's Time to Do It Imperfectly!

What will you do imperfectly in 2021?

Once upon a time I used to get stuck. A lot.

And I was stuck because I wanted to do something perfectly. I wanted to have it all figured out ahead of time and think of every last detail and address any future criticism that I could predict.

I was exhausted from going nowhere.

Saying Yes

Saying Yes

“Hey Karen, are you free on Sunday evening to be a panelist on the Doris Davenport Show? She wants to interview facilitators from our Restorative Justice conference.”

I had received this text earlier in the week and, now, here I was, sitting on Zoom with three other amazing panelists. Despite the butterflies in my stomach, I had replied, “Yes.”