HowDoodle I Enjoy Promoting My Book to Make an Impact and a Profit?
A Self-Guided Creative Course for Authors who want their book promotion to be as fun as the book-making so they can make an impact and a profit!
You have read so many articles and listened to podcasts and asked for advice and signed up for all the social media platforms, BUT:
you don’t even know where to start;
you don’t want this to be about you and “tooting your own horn”;
you don’t want to use those sleazy sales tactics;
you hate those stupid algorithms;
you don’t want your passion project to become all about making money, but you need to recover your investment and hopefully make some profit…
If you identify with all or some of that, then I invite you to doodle with me!
Doodle?! (Wait! Just hear me out…)
Promoting your book can be just as fun, creative, and inspiring as the process of writing/making it. And, when it is, we are more likely to do it with consistency and do it in a genuine way that attracts more people.
We simply have to sprinkle fun into the process, look at things a little differently, and tap into inspiration to guide us in how we want to do it. And doodling is just the tool for such a job!
In fact, research shows that:
doodling lowers the stress in your body helping you to think clearer;
doodling activates both the logical and imaginative/creative parts of your brain;
doodling increases the flow of blood into your frontal cortex which results in a feeling of well-being!
Doodling also provides a place of pause between taking information in and putting things back out.
When we gather information and then try to make a decision from there without checking in, it can feel like spinning, overwhelm, resistance, confusion, frustration, and running in a hamster wheel.
Stopping to listen to yourself, to activate your creativity, and to ignite your inspiration can feel like peace, excitement, curiosity, authenticity, clarity, momentum, and progress!
“Nope - this is NOT just for artists - it is for everyone! Just as you don’t have to be a singer to sing, a dancer to dance, a writer to write, you don’t have to be an artist to doodle. This has nothing to do with skill, but it has EVERYTHING to do with igniting your creativity for amazing ideas and solutions!”
If I doodle with you, what might I get out of it?
My wish for you in this program is that you:
have a little fun and have a more peaceful state of mind as you promote your book;
be able to listen deeply to your heart and contemplate what you want to say to the world;
tap into your innate creativity, cultivate a big exciting vision, and find energizing steps to take;
find the support you need to follow through with the inspired actions that arise from your wise heart and creative mind;
gain confidence in your ability to reach more people and impact the world with the message in your book and the passion in your heart!!!
What will each course session look like?
Good question! Each doodle-shop will include the following:
Get Present: We will take a few minutes to arrive and get centered as we transition into the space.
Intention Setting: We will be inspired by the “Spirit of a Doodle” to set intentions for ourselves to get the most out of each doodle-shop!
Warm Up/Check In: We will do a quick check-in doodle with an easy question that gets you thinking and connecting with each other.
Visualization: I will lead you through a visualization based on the topic at hand. As images start coming into your mind and your imagination opens up, you will find doodling to come more naturally and easily.
Stream-of-Consciousness Doodle: You will spend about 10 minutes following your doodle. No, you will not tell your doodle where to go. You will not have an “end” agenda. You let it move through you being inspired by the question and the contemplation of that question. I will help you get to this place :)
Contemplation/Reflection: This part is super juicy! Here we dive deep into your doodle. Even if it is one squiggle, we could talk about it for an hour - haha! I will ask guiding questions to help you to see it in relation to the topic at hand and glean wisdom/clarity/guidance that I guarantee you lies within!
Inspired Action: Such a reflection inspires some kind of next step. We will find what that is for you on your journey!
“I’ve received endless benefits from the doodle shops. Doodle shops have fostered community and openness, humor and connection, including a connection with myself... It feels like I’m in kindergarten again, even while being able to process sometimes challenging thoughts...”
Sounds pretty neat. What’s the nitty gritty?
The course includes 6 one-hour doodle sessions related to helping you promote your book including:
HowDoodle I Articulate My Big Why?
HowDoodle I Use My Power?
HowDoodle I Identify My People?
HowDoodle I Connect Deeply with My People?
HowDoodle I Want to Structure My Ideas?
HowDoodle I Continue to Be Inspired and Motivated?
Additionally, you will receive a doodle-book (workbook) to guide you through the sessions and keep you going between them as well as after them!
How Many Dollars Are We Talking?
The whole she-bang is an investment of $69.99 with various payment options. Click on the button below to get started!
Hi! I’m Karen and I’m your guide on this adventure. I’m an illustrator who works with self-publishing authors as well as an experienced creative coach and teacher! You can read more here on this website. Or you can read more here on my HowDoodle website!