Following the Breadcrumbs


Sometimes I get these headaches from literally trying to figure everything out all the way through.  Have you ever experienced that?  

It is a clear indication that I must let go of the reins a bit, which is especially difficult for me to do when I am really excited about a big vision, either for my art or for my creative company.  I just want to dig in there and work out all the steps and see the path laid out before me in one clear linear line…

But then my head starts spinning or my eyes start crossing or suddenly I notice I have been scrunching my face for a while and I have gone too far.

I was having one of these moments and I decided to do one of the cards from my new Creative Wisdom Doodle Deck! The card is called Move Mountains and I chose it because I felt like I wanted to do it all, but was limited by time and energy.

As I doodled, the image that emerged was me following little breadcrumbs on the ground.

The message that arose as I contemplated the image, was that all I need to do is follow one breadcrumb at a time.  Sure, I can hold the big vision! I can use it to be energized and excited!  But if I was given everything I had to do to achieve it now, it would only lead to burn out and possible failure.  And frankly, there would be little joy in the process.

Instead, the practice is to trust that the piece of clarity I have right now is enough.  That taking action on that clarity is the only next step I need to do. And, when this clarity is present, I need to trust that I can handle it even if it is outside of my comfort zone and a little scary.  

Each little breadcrumb is helping me to build the confidence, the skills, and the ideas that will help me to see the next breadcrumb.  And, one by one, they will take me on a surprisingly meaningful and creatively adventurous path towards my vision.

Where are you trying to figure it all out?  What happens when you just look for the next breadcrumb?

Do you want some fun cards to lead you in awakening some of your own innate wisdom?  Check out our Creative Wisdom Doodle Deck now available!  

Maybe they will also help you with our Creativity Challenge in January!  Sign up here and follow us on Instagram for inspiration and prompts.