Playing Around!

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This week started out with a big ol’ mess!

I took the blender container and put it on the counter near the refrigerator.  I put all the ingredients inside of it for my smoothie.  I picked it up to walk back to the blender and SPLAT!  Everything fell out onto the floor because I forgot to put the bottom on it!

I had some immediate thoughts around how annoying it was going to be to clean it up, how I just wasted a serving of my expensive green food mix, how gross it felt on my feet, how I was already running a little behind….  Ugh.

But then another thought came - this is hilarious!  And I had to laugh because it was.  And it was fun.  

I have noticed that things like this happen when I am taking everything just a little too seriously. And I tend to have such a better time when I see it as a wake up call to enjoy life rather than seeing it as the world is against me.

Something I have been taking too seriously lately is my personal artwork.  As I am out of the practice of making things for myself, the process has not been smooth and I have been putting way too much pressure on this one painting.

For some reason this week I felt called to play around with this sketch I had done as one possible idea for a client that they didn’t end up using.  I had a voice that said I should really be working on my “serious” painting, but I ignored it, turned up the tunes and just played!  

And guess what… Not only did I enjoy myself, but I had a breakthrough with the direction of my painting!  Ever notice how that happens?  I sure do.  It always leaves me scratching my head wondering why I don’t just play around more…

How can you play a bit more this week?  What laughs and ideas might show up as a result?

Soon, you can play with us!  We will be doing a fun creativity challenge for the month of January!  Sign up here so you won’t miss it :)

And follow us on our Creative Community Circle Instagram where we will post all the prompts!