What's The Big Deal?


I get downright passionate about creativity. In fact, I believe that my personal purpose has to do with unleashing creative power!

That might leave some folx scratching their heads and wondering, “Isn’t creativity just a fun thing to do when you can?”  

Absolutely. And it is so much more.

We are innately creative.  We create the life we live all the time.  We create our jobs and our homes, our families and our routines…  Sometimes we do this passively. Other times we are quite intentional.  

Being intentional usually brings the most satisfaction and feels the most empowering.

But it all begins with imagining something and feeling like you can make it happen - feeling like you CAN create it.

This is something that we begin practicing at a very young age when we start to draw pictures, tell stories, make up dances, and sing our own songs.  This is also something we can continue to cultivate and practice our whole lives in order to create the things we want in our lives.

And the best part is that this kind of practice is usually fun!  It is picking up that paintbrush, strumming that guitar, or knitting that blanket and letting yourself imagine, play and create to your heart's content.

Then, during that process, it is letting yourself be transported to other wild imaginings that could be related to the life or even the world you want to create and live it.

So, yeah.  It makes me excited :)  For so many reasons. How about you?

How will you practice today?  What will you be inspired to create for yourself? For others?  For the world?

If it is a book that needs illustrations or illustrations for a book, we would love to support you on that journey!