Creating in the Chaos


What a week.  What a week within quite a year!

Chaos has definitely infiltrated our lives in all kinds of ways, both big and small.  Endlessly wading through many big unknowns eats away at precious energy and makes it harder to focus.

So how do we keep creating in chaos?  Here are a few ideas to try.

  1. Practice acceptance.  Maybe you just haven’t stuck to the goals you set out for yourself because of all the unknown twists and turns.  It’s okay.  Take a breath. Being upset with yourself will just suck away even more of your precious energy.  It is usually only when we fully accept something that we can change it.

  2. Break your goals into small steps.  Like teeny tiny little baby steps.  Like the steps of baby birds.  The Greeks have a definition of happiness that entails just being on the path towards your highest potential.  Doing even the smallest of things keeps you on the path and can be very satisfying.

  3. Switch it up.  If you are not getting into your creative work, try something else. There are so many ways to be creative!  Explore a different medium, doodle instead of write, write instead of dancing, dance instead of playing music, etc.  (You can even Contact Us to check out one of our Create-Shops for free!)

  4. Make with a friend.  You can make together in a socially distant way or even on Zoom.  Sometimes the energy of someone else creating gets your juices flowing. And then your energy feeds them too and it is a wonderful give and take! 

  5. Daydream.  Like really let yourself do this.  Let go of any outcomes or rational reasons why it would be hard or logistics for making it happen.  Just dream about what you might want to make or do with what you make.  Exciting visions often have a momentum of their own.

What keeps you creating in chaotic times?  I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas!