7 Harmful Messages About Creativity

I often hear heart-breaking stories of why people got disconnected from their creative spirit. As a teacher, I often heard how a teacher told someone they had no talent or that they were doing it wrong. I see people struggling to justify their creative work to the people in their lives or even to the internalized voices in their heads. These messages are so prevalent that I struggle with some of them too, even though I make things every day. Here are seven common harmful messages.

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Antidote: Heart-Led!

It is time to put you first sometimes. It is time to follow your heart. This is so often easily said, but not easily done. Making a commitment to your creativity is a way to practice walking the talk. It doesn't mean you won't get anything done or live up ot your obligations, but it can positively affect how you do your list, how you prioritize it, and what things you can let go of to put the juice back into your days!

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Antidote: A Tribe!

As you know, everyone needs a tribe! Maybe some connect more extrovertedly by going to gatherings and sharing their celebrations and challenges with anyone. Maybe some interact more introvertedly by listening, reading, and finding one or two people to share with. Either way, connection brings peace of mind, support, ideas, collaborations, and expansion of what we once thought was possible. Connection fulfills our human need for belonging.

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Antidote: Play!

It doesn’t always have to look good, sound good, feel good. And, because we are innately creative, we all find our own unique paths to making what we make. It is time to play around more and make a big ol’ mess of your work and of your journey! Furthermore, I invite you to talk about your messes, failures, and challenges so that we can make this a more accepted part of the creative process. Creativity invites silliness and fun and needs a break from the pressure of being too serious.

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Antidote: Meaning in the Process!

Creativity can do a million amazing things - it can make you a better leader, worker, student, but it gives us so much in and of itself! Anyone who has created anything knows that the creative process is endlessly satisfying if we can not put so much pressure on the outcomes. This is where we connect with our soul, where we take risks and try new things, where we allow ourselves to be curious and free to ponder the impossible. No justification needed.

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Antidote: Authentic Vision!

We all borrow from other artists and creatives because we are influenced and inspired by them. But no one else has your unique combination of influences, inspirations, experiences, thoughts, interests, etc. And your unique combination of those things cannot help but spill out into what you make. If you are being authentic, you will create things that will be reflective of that special sauce that makes up you.

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Antidote: Confidence in Your Worth!

Perhaps others will criticize you. It is likely you will be judged. But when you find a way of making things aligned with your authentic self, you don’t care so much. The other antidotes on this list all contribute to creating confidence in your own inherent worth and vision. As you practice following your heart more, finding a playful and meaningful process, leaning on a supportive tribe of like-minded people, and forging your own creative vision, you can't help but become more excited and grounded in what you want to create in the world, no matter what anybody has to say about it.

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Antidote: Help and Accountability!

It is true that anyone can do something creative because, as humans, we are innately creative. But there is a reason why not everyone is out there making their creative dreams come true. It is not easy work to deprogram ourselves from the harmful messages. It is not easy to discover your authentic vision and stay true to it and put yourself out there. There is a reason why they say creativity takes courage. It also takes dedication and practice and support. Find people to be there for you. Find people who are, as Brene Brown says, in the arena with you!

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The Creative Community Circle provides all of these antidotes. We offer Creative Fun, a Connective Community, Skilled Coaching, a Holistic Toolkit, Accountability, and Help Getting Started.

We have monthly and weekly gatherings as well as a forum and directory.

Read more here or join now. No minimum commitment. Low income option. Can't wait to create with you!