You Can Change Your Mind.


“You can change your mind.”

As I agonized over a business decision, a mentor said this to me. I had to chuckle. He nailed it. Why did I think this one decision would have to be carved in stone?

One thing I have noticed about giving yourself permission to change your mind is that it takes practice. It takes practice to be present enough to know when you are unnecessarily attached to something and to realize that the attachment is blocking your flow.

How many times has this happened to you in your creative work? How many times have you been so attached to an idea of what you want to make that it almost sucked the joy right out of the process or maybe halted the process altogether?

How many times has your attachment to an idea made you forget that you were in it for the joy of creating something you loved more than anything else?

This month, I have been practicing changing my mind with Inktober. (For those of you who don’t know, Inktober is a drawing challenge started by illustrator, Jake Parker, in which you draw something in ink inspired by a daily prompt.) “This year, I’m going to do it every day,” I said to myself.

Well, as I started doing it and posting, I became aware of other unofficial Inktober prompt lists that were very intriguing. I tried to resist them, reminding myself that I committed to doing the official Inktober list this year. But, then I noticed that my motivation was slipping and it started to just feel like another thing I had to do. The attachment to that idea was no longer serving me.

So I thought, “Time to change my mind!”

So I did. Several times. And I might just change my mind about which Inktober prompts to use a few more times before the month is out. But I am still drawing - er - doodling daily in ink. And I am still enjoying myself.

What do you need to change your mind on? How could that open up some creative energy?

Join us for some upcoming free virtual events!

Book Launch for God Is Not a Boy’s Name: God is More Than That by Donna Parks. The author will read her book and I will lead everyone in a creative activities. More info and registration here.

Spark Creativity Doodle-Shop. Awaken your innate creativity and explore your inner and outer world in a playful process that embraces “mistakes” and releases outcomes! No skill or experience necessary. More info and registration here.