It's All About the Re-Focus


I remember the day I realized that mediation isn’t about making your mind blank; it’s about refocusing your attention. It wasn’t that I was failing. It was that I was missing the point!

You start out focusing on your breath, but, inevitably your mind wonders. When you notice that your mind has wondered, you simply notice your breath again. And, as you repeat this for the duration of your meditation time, you slowly train the mind to focus on what you want to give attention to.

Making time for creativity - or making a new creative habit - is much the same. You start out pumped up! You reserve time to make something. You make something for a bit and love it. You make a plan to do it more often. And then life moves it and creativity moves out.

It’s not that your failing. It’s that you are missing the point.

Creativity is a practice just like meditation.

So the question is, where has your attention gone? (And don’t ask it in a sassy teenager way, but rather in an curious teacher way!)

Sometimes our attention wonders for a really good reason and we need to follow that. Sometimes, though, it is just time to refocus our attention back on our creativity.

It is in this way that creativity becomes woven into the fabric of your life. You start falling into it rather that forcing time for it. Inspiration and ideas become constant friends and allies. Your goals don’t seem so out of reach.

Is it time for you to refocus?

Enrollment for the Creative Community Circle is only open for another week!

The Creative Community Circle includes “fine artists,” writers, designers, crafters, and more.  They come from all walks of life, create for different reasons, and have different goals. What are your creative goals?