Inspiring Creative Vision!

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“I just don’t know what to make.”

This came up in a recent creative coaching session. I was speaking to a very talented and creative client, but she just didn’t have a vision that was inspiring her to move forward - to actually sit down and make something. With a little bit of questioning, we realized she was already attaching an outcome to the thing she hadn’t even decided on creating!  It sounds silly, but we all do it: 

“I want to make something I can share with my friends and family!” 

“I want to make something I can sell!” 

“I want to make something I can give as a gift!” 

“I want to make something I can use to decorate my home!”

“I want to make something I can feel proud of.”

While the vision is clear, what we want to make often is not.  And while having a vision for giving something to someone or selling something or sharing it with others is fantastic and important, it can squash the whole creative process if we aren’t careful.  

When we feel like we would like to make something for any reason, but aren’t sure what it is, then I would like to suggest that we think of it like we think of thrift store shopping!

Thrift store shopping is different from other kinds of shopping.  When you go to the grocery store, you know you will get the specific items on your list.  When you go to a clothing store, you are after that specific style and brand of jeans you like.  In this kind of shopping, you have a vision and know exactly what you are going to get to fulfill the vision.

With thrift store shopping, you have a loose vision - to find a good deal on something you love - but you aren’t sure of the details.  And you aren’t even sure that you will achieve your vision.  But you go anyway, happy to dive into the rack of random clothes and shelves of chaotic knick-knacks.  

You explore, you pick things up and try them on, you send photos to friends asking their opinion, you get surprised by the fun and interesting things you find.  And then, if you are lucky, maybe, just maybe, you find it.  Your eyes lit up and you know you have discovered a true treasure at a great deal. Finding a truly inspiring creative project that helps you to fulfill a satisfying vision is much the same. 

You can have an idea of your vision, but then you have to let it go. 

Only then can you truly dive fully into the experience of brainstorming, exploring, and playing that leads to the magical surprise - something you feel so excited to make and you want to make it right now!  Something that inspires you to move forward into the messy unknown of the creative process and helps you to fulfill a meaningful vision.

Week one of our Create It Class is all about finding that inspiring vision for your creation.  We will have activities and tools that will help you to let go, play, experiment, and daydream right into what you want to create! 

What do you need to let go of to allow yourself to find your inspiring creative vision?  

You can also join us monthly gatherings in partnership with FeelReal. Learn more about our Creative Wisdom Doodle-Shops and our Thriving Artists gathering.