
How Do You Make Art?

How Do You Make Art?

Over a decade ago, life events left me struggling in a stew of stress and anxiety. When it kept me from making art, I knew it was time to fully confront it. It was at this time that a mentor asked me a simple question that continues to provide much-needed guidance to this day. He asked, “Karen, how do you make art?”

10 Tips for Creative Blocks!

10 Tips for Creative Blocks!

It is that time. You set it aside JUST to do your creative work. And nothing. Nothing comes.

You feel uninspired. You wonder if the creative juice will ever run again. Maybe you sit there a while longer. Maybe you just get up and go do something else…

Sh*ty First Draft

Sh*ty First Draft

The other day I finally figured out how to make an Instagram Reel with multiple frames and different words that came and went! I have been wanting to figure that out for ages. What a little accomplishment. However, my little accomplishment was slowly being overshadowed by my perfectionist voice wanting it to be “just so” before putting it out there.