What's Your Word + What's Your Package?

Three years ago, I picked a word for 2020.  It was such a powerful practice that I repeated it last year and I am doing it again this year!

Why would I do this?

Mike Clouse explains it so well in episode 3 of Frenemies.  Basically, the word gives me a point of focus through which I can filter emotions, thoughts, and experiences.  It takes me on a bit of a journey with many lessons!  By the end of the year, I see real epiphanies and progress!  That is very satisfying.  I always want more of this.  So I keep doing it.

How do you find your word?

Good question.  For me, it is all about noticing patterns.  What words keep popping up in conversations?  What themes are prevalent in your life?  What thought habits take over your mind? What questions do you keep asking yourself?  

All these things can give you a pretty big clue.  Once you have an idea or two of what it could be, then you simply play with it.  Be curious. See if it sticks!

In the latest Frenemies episode, Mike is wondering if he has found his word for 2022. I lead him through a creative exercise to help him further explore his possible words and get to some next steps.  

You can follow along too and let us know what your 2022 word is!

Stay tuned for next week’s episode where I go deeper with my word for 2022…

What’s Your Package?

The ever-so-inspiring authors that we get to partner with at Studio Light Illustration often come to us with one of the following motivations:

Therefore, we kept you all in mind as we created new packages to better serve each of those motivations!

Curious to know more?  Please check out our new Illustration Services page and connect with us to get started.

Yes! We still do fully customized books as well as illustrations for other projects such as online courses, marketing materials, personalized gifts, and more.  We are always happy to connect and support you in any way we can!


Registration is open for our Write-It Workshop and Creative Wisdom Doodle-Shop!  You can also hold your spot for our Create Your Children’s Book Webinar in March.  Our Worshops-N-Webinars page always has our latest offerings.