Transforming Thoughts + Write-It Workshop!

Let’s do something together.  Let’s transform our thoughts.

I keep seeing messages on social media and the news about how much 2021 sucked and how 2022 is off to a horrible start. It is tempting to agree…

I’m sure some things might have really sucked for you in 2021.  Some things sucked for me too. And when things suck, it sucks.  I’m not trying to take away any feelings here.  That is NOT what this is about.  It is not about fake positivity.

But when feeling my feelings, I do like to make sure my thoughts aren’t taking me down into a black hole and try to transform them if they are.  Because nothing I want happens down in that dark place. And we all deserve to get some things that we want!

So here is what I am doing and I invite you to join me.

1. I am dumping it all out.  I am taking a piece of paper and dumping out everything that did indeed suck in 2021. I’m clearing up my cloudy vision.  

2. I am feeling any feelings I need to feel.  I find this actually helps them to pass faster.  When I don’t, the tough feelings leave an overall sense of heaviness or sadness or frustration that hangs like a cloud I can’t seem to shake.  While feeling my feelings, I try not to catastrophize or think statements that use words like “always” or “never.”  Those lead to black holes.

3. Next, I am making a list of what actually went well in 2021.  This one might be more challenging for some people than others.  If you are struggling, my heart goes out to you.  Start small.  Right now I see the sun shining through the leaves of a plant and it is beautiful.  Maybe you witnessed some small beauty that can get your list started.

4. Now I am really digging into this gratitude list.  I am setting a timer for 10 minutes and letting it flow.  I can feel my energy start to move into something that feels at least a little better. Again, the mission isn’t to feel amazing if you just aren’t there.  The mission is to simply shift in the right direction.  Easy does it. 

5. Lastly, I am looking at 2022 with curiosity.  It’s a WHOLE NEW YEAR!  As we all know by now, absolutely anything can happen.  And you have agency here.  If you are not feeling good about 2022 (maybe you are sick with Covid as you read this), perhaps curiosity can help.  For example: Try changing a thought like, “2022 is already awful,” to, “I wonder if 2022 is going to be awful?”  Then, sit back and let curiosity work its magic.  No need to change your mind right away.  Just see where your wondering can take you.

This works for other things too, of course!  For those of you who have been thinking about writing a book, but are thinking things like, “I can’t do it this year.”  Or, “I don’t think I can actually make it happen.”  Try out, “I wonder if I can do it this year?”  Or, “I wonder if I can actually make it happen?”

Then, let that curiosity lead you to our next Write-It Workshop on February 10, 2022!  Here we will continue to cultivate that curiosity in playful, yet productive ways. (And, yes, it’s free!)

“In gratitude, this class was amazing ...great job, awesome follow-up...creative loving energy... looking forward to the next one... Thank the FLOW…” - Deborah K., Workshop Participant

Personally, I am working on transforming “I am not sure I have the time to create a children’s book series” to “I wonder if I have the time to create a children’s book series?”  

Let’s see what we can do together! Register here!

P.S. Save the Date for the Create Your Children’s Book Webinar on March 3rd! Studio Light Illustration and Your Literary Prose are partnering up for an information packed webinar to help you bring your children’s book to life in 2022!