Will You Take That Risk in 2022?

In the same space where I work on all things related to Studio Light Illustration, my easel sits in the corner.  Having my paintings right in my face all day constantly motivates me to work on them and contemplate what’s next.

One of these paintings has been coming along beautifully.  No big bumps in the road, just easily emerging and taking shape.  But then an idea that struck that gave me pause...

“What if I cut away some of the canvas and created something on another layer?”

My creative mind was wild with excitement!  

My rational mind was horrified.  What if I ruin it all??!

There it was.  A moment where the creative risk was clear.  I could either take it and stumble into the unknown or stay safe on the well-known path.  

Nervously, I took out my scissors, began cutting, and watched my painting become something truly unique.  And it is having ripple effects!

I’m not only looking at all my canvases differently, I am looking at my book idea completely differently.  I am itching now to take the metaphorical scissors to my story, cut some things away and create it in a completely different format than something I have ever done before…

I don’t know if it will all work out.  I don’t know if I will mess it all up.  I don’t know if anyone will be interested.  But taking the risks is way more fun and it helps me to become more unique and authentic in all I do.  

Perhaps you are working on a story right now.  Perhaps you like it a lot, but something is missing.  Perhaps you have even had a wacky idea that just seems too “out there” or it seems like it could ruin everything you have already created...  

Or perhaps that crazy thought might just be the thing that makes your story - your book -  something that pops right out of the ordinary, gives you fresh energy to bring it to life, and inspires others to read it and buy it!

Will you take that risk in 2022?

You don’t have to risk it alone.  If you have a story that needs illustrations, we provide creative and visionary support all along the writing and illustrating path!  Get started here.  And join us for our next Write-It Workshop with others who are taking creative risks in 2022!