What Were the Moments?

A client of mine recently went to an art exhibit that rocked his world.  He sat on the bench staring at the paintings and was transported back to how inspired and satisfied he used to feel in his art studio in another country.  

He was describing moments of alignment - moments where he felt truly alive being exactly who he was, where he was.

And, then, he lamented the fact that he could not afford to have such a big studio space where he lived now and how he thought this kept him from having the kind of art career he truly desired.  I saw his eyes go from being lit up to clouding over in defeat.

I have done this many times too - thought about moments of alignment and then looked at my life knowing it couldn’t be like it was. Ugh. It can make you not even want to remember those times.

But what if we are focusing on the wrong things?  What if we shouldn’t focus on the things at all, but rather the feelings of those moments?  After all, when you really think about it, we just want certain things because we think they will make us feel a certain way…  

What if we remember those moments of alignment as a reminder to create those feelings now?

So, I asked my client, What feelings did you used to feel in your studio that you want to feel now?”

He said, “Alive, in the flow, productive, inspired, excited…”

I then asked him, “What can you do right now that makes you feel that way?”  

I watched his energy shift as he realized feeling good didn’t have to be on the other side of something that seemed impossible to achieve.  I watched this question spark his creativity as he thought about different ways he could make his art that didn’t require the same kind of space.

Now, just to be clear, I think he could get that big studio space if he really wants it.  But he is so much more likely to achieve that from a place of inspiration and excited motivation versus defeat and frustration. 

And isn’t it more fun to feel all the good feelings in the process of getting what you want versus having to wait to feel them?

I sure think so.  

What moments of alignment leave you pining for the past? Do you really want those things or do you want the feelings those things brought you?  How can you have those good feelings right now?  How will feeling those good feelings help you achieve the things you want in life?

I hope that this past year has brought you many moments of alignment and that 2022 brings you more of all the good things you want to feel as you grow in your empowerment to create them. Thank you for being a part of Studio Light Illustration’s journey this year and for helping me to feel the most excellent feeling of gratitude as I reflect on 2021 and look ahead!

What questions do you have about working with an illustrator? You can submit them here and we will get back to you and take them into consideration for our upcoming Create Your Children’s Book Webinar! Also, mark your calendars for the next Write-It Workshop!