Sh*ty First Draft

The other day I finally figured out how to make an Instagram Reel with multiple frames and different words that came and went!  I have been wanting to figure that out for ages.  What a little accomplishment.

However, my little accomplishment was slowly being overshadowed by my perfectionist voice wanting it to be “just so” before putting it out there.

I scrunched up my face looking at those little frames (Why do they have to be so little?!) trying to perfectly line up each phrase with each frame.  I played it over and over trying to get it right.  Ugh.  I was losing patience and time… and gaining wrinkles…

Then, I remembered this phrase that we used to use at an old job.  Just do a “shitty first draft.

So, I stopped the endless tweaking and I put it out there.  

There are moments where in the frame I am sticking out my hand and it takes several seconds for the words to appear.  There are moments where the words come and go too fast. And I cringe inside. But I still put it out there.

And I am relieved.  I can move on.  I have faced the fear of looking bad and now I can get on with more important things on my list of to-do’s. 

Because all I really look like is a human learning to do new things.  In the future, as I post more of these, I will look like a human getting better at new things.  That’s not so bad, really.

My word for 2022 is “believe.” In this situation, I had to challenge the negative and very limiting belief that I have to express something perfectly in order for others to pay attention or get any value out of it.  (I dive further into my word in the latest episode of Frenemies!)

What belief is holding you back from putting something out into the world or even sharing it with loved ones in your life?  What happens if you allow yourself to start with a shitty first draft?

We have some workshops that might help.  Check out our Workshops-N-Webinars page to learn more.