How Do You Make Art?

Over a decade ago, life events left me struggling in a stew of stress and anxiety.  When it kept me from making art, I knew it was time to fully confront it.

It was at this time that a mentor asked me a simple question that continues to provide much-needed guidance to this day.

He asked, “Karen, how do you make art?”

I said, “I like to combine different materials together and experiment with them.  I like to start with an idea or vision and then get messy playing around until something really starts emerging.  

Then, I use whatever materials I need to keep developing it.  I like to make up my own rules and infuse my work with meaning and depth and layers of color.  

I like to put on music and tune out the rest of the world.  The only world that matters is the world of my creation where I like to learn new things about myself and about life.  I like the questions that come up and the insights that appear.  

I like taking a break when I feel stuck and work on something else until I get fresh inspiration.  I like the moment it is done and I just want to sit with it for a bit…”

He said, “It sounds like you are a different person when you make art.”

I said, “I am.”

Then, he asked, “What if you could always be that person?”

I said, “I want to make that happen.”  And so I began the life-long journey of always being that person. 

I have been learning to use the same structures and mindsets that I used in art, everywhere else too. As I do this, I find it easier to manage the rest of my life so it now enhances my art-making instead of inhibiting it.

Those structures include having an inspiring vision to start, putting on good tunes, focusing on one thing at a time, taking breaks, and celebrating finished work.

Those mindsets include enjoying messy beginnings, having an attitude of play, being really curious, experimenting, and being open to what happens in the process.

How do you make your creations?  What structures and mindsets could be integrated into other parts of your life?  How can your creative process be the guidance to a more joyful, creative path?


We have a new video up to help you decide between publishing options here!  Next video coming your way is called Your Why, Your Audience, Your How! Stay tuned…