The Artists Show Up

You can always be sure to find artists at the heart of every movement for evolution.

Whether they are supported and valued by society for their contributions or not, they show up and are often the first ones to show up.

Not only that, but they speak up. They help us to imagine what is possible. They model the necessity and joy of making a mess while we figure things out. They teach us how to create what was once just a vision.

Some artists do this directly and some do it indirectly. Some make art about the issues of our times and some make art that make us pause, reflect, see beauty, feel something, and/or get curious.

We need it all.

The stories, the paintings, the songs, the shows, the poems, the dances... all of this ignites our humanity. Reconnects us to our souls. Calls us to our highest selves. Reminds us of our connection, our oneness.

If you are an artist, we need you. You are valuable. You are a translator of our human soul. Your vision, message, and expression deserves recognition and support.

Let yourself be seen and heard. Ask for the support you need. Your thriving is a part of all of us thriving into this next evolution.

Write your stories, sing your songs, create your stages, paint your images - keep reminding us of our humanity and keep holding the vision of what is possible.

If you are not an artist, take a moment to appreciate the artists around you. Validate their value and lift them up.

And learn from them. Because even if you are not an artist, you are creative. Awakening your creative drive changes your world and the world.

The old ways are broken. We need new ways of doing things, new solutions, new ideas, new perspectives. It is a creative challenge that calls to each and every single one of us to participate in.


For artists crafting a creative business: SAVE the DATE for our next Practical Creativity Gathering: Branding is Personal with guest Josh Zepess.

For anyone wanting to awaken and harness their creativity: SAVE the DATE for our next Doodle-Shop for Higher Consciousness.