Out Beyond...

This may sound like a very negative post at first, but I think (hope!) you will find it positive by the end…

I’m not sure about you, but I think our systems are just too broken to expect much from them.  

This thought has been swirling in my head recently and came up strong as I doodled a quote my friend Sunitha presented to me as possible inspiration.  It is by Rumi and it says:

“Out there beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field.  I will meet you there.”

Now I have known this quote for quite some time as evidenced by it being scrawled in a book of quotes/doodles that I kept in high school.  I always liked it.  But it is growing in meaning for me throughout time (as all beautiful works of art do!).

Most of my life, I have been a fixer.  I will find a way to fix ANYTHING!  I will look for a solution and MAKE IT WORK! 

Anyone else feel me here?

What I have come to realize, though, is that oftentimes fixing things really, really exhausts me.  Completely depletes my energy.

However, I am REVITALIZED by creating new things.  I LOVE this process!  

And creating new things doesn’t mean starting from scratch.  No.  Creativity is often gathering together old things - lessons, ideas, services, products -  and putting them together in new ways!  As we go, we can let go of what no longer works and find new brilliance in what does!

OK - back to my quote and my original “negative” statement…

So much is broken.  The brokenness creates division, judgment, lack, fighting, frustration, violence, pain of all kinds.  Systems, like people, sometimes need to restart, try again, let go, CREATE something new.

This is what the quote, and my purpose, is about to me.  It is about letting go of the paradigms, thinking, patterns that destroy and finding a new way forward as we awaken our creative power.  One that excites us and takes care of us as we walk towards the field Rumi writes about.

The field has to be created as we walk!  In little, everyday moments for ourselves, and HUGE, BIG ways for the world.  

This work pumps me up!  This work is a HELL YEAH that my soul just loves to chew on.  It is a field full of love and energy that can take care of all.  

Who else is in?


P.S. Got a quote or piece of poetry you think would inspire me as I doodle?  Please respond to this email and share it with me!

P.P.S. The next FREE Doodle-Shop is on 8/3! There is so much spinning around in the world and in our hearts and in our heads. Let's transform that energy into creative thinking and inspired actions :) Register here for Zoom link.