Transitional Times


Lately, I have been thinking a lot about transitions.

Perhaps it is the transition from summer to fall, perhaps it is the transition from one home to another, perhaps it is the transition from one decade of my life to another, perhaps it is because it is an election year and a year full of changing how we do things…

Yes, transitions are on my mind. And I think we often do not give them enough consideration.

During my move, I pushed things off until the following week. When I opened my calendar that week, I just laughed out loud! What was I thinking?! I need time to unpack and set up a space to work in. I didn’t even know where everything was and my brain was just as scattered.

Many times as creatives, we have work that must be done. And then we go to make something and only feel blocked and unmotivated. Ever been there? I sure have. So frustrating.

What we need here is a more gentler process of transition. We need to unwind our all our powers of thought from the work we were doing. Let our brain slow down, recalibrate, and then begin to inspire it towards our creative work.

Some things that work for me are sipping a cup of tea, reading something inspiring, journaling, listening to music, and allowing myself just to doodle or color without any attachment to outcome.

What might help you to transition into the creative zone?


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