It Doesn't Have to Make Sense

As soon as I saw today’s Inktober prompt, I saw a fish leaving his fishbowl - striking out into the unknown world of air! 

But how would he do that?  He needs water! It doesn’t make any sense! And I almost didn’t draw him like I saw him.

This is exactly how so many of our creative dreams stop dead in their tracks. 

We see it so clearly!  We imagine it in our heads! But - wham - logic steps in and we can’t make it make sense.  And then we throw our hands up and go back to our regularly scheduled life.

I decided to doodle my fish despite my illogical vision. All I could see was the fish walking away from the bowl with a smile and some determination in his step. So, I started there.

As I doodled him, a new thought came into my head.  What if he had a small portable bowl of water that could move with him?  Yes!  I doodled that and now my fishy is off to have some new adventures!

What would happen if you just followed the first inclination towards your creative dream?

What would happen if it could be approached as light-heartedly as a doodle?  What might be revealed to you only when you allow yourself to take a few steps even if your head tells you it makes no sense?


A first step might be to come to our CCC Launch Celebration and Tour on 10/13! Register here.