
Inspiration and Uniqueness: A Doodle Reflection


Sometimes you just see a poem and have to spend some time with it. Or maybe it is a song or an image or a favorite comedy sketch.

These things that inspire us speak to us about who we are as creatives. Many wonder what is unique about them as an artist, poet, musician, actor, writer....

Maybe there are clues in what you are drawn to?

If you considered the combination of things you continuously return to as wells of inspiration, how does that speak your uniqueness?

Why is it that you return to those things? Is it the way they are created? The messages contained within the creations? The emotions that are evoked? The way in which they are shared with the world?

What patterns can you discover and how can you be in a process of exploration in which uniqueness reveals itself to you while you were just playing and being inspired?

Capacity: A Doodle Reflection


I have been listening to wonderful teachings on Capacity by Mark Silver. This image came to mind along with the following questions:

- Why is it that thinking I have a much larger capacity blocks out the sky and leaves little room for anything else?

-What if looking at myself as unlimited isn't inspirational, but harmful?

-What if thinking of myself as unlimited has really limited me by dispersing and depleting my energy, affecting my ability to be in something for the long haul?

-What happens when I fully accept my limited capacity?

-How does that change where I put my energy, what I say yes to, what I say no to?

-How could this help me to be clear on my role in my personal relationships, business, activism, everything?

-How does this help me rest?

-Could it be that accepting my limited capacity can bring about the clarity of focus that results in doing more than I ever imagined?

- What could accepting our limited capacity as a culture do for us in terms of being able to sustain movements that require our energy for a long period in order to bring about transformation?

What are your thoughts/struggles/questions/celebrations with capacity?