Capacity: A Doodle Reflection


I have been listening to wonderful teachings on Capacity by Mark Silver. This image came to mind along with the following questions:

- Why is it that thinking I have a much larger capacity blocks out the sky and leaves little room for anything else?

-What if looking at myself as unlimited isn't inspirational, but harmful?

-What if thinking of myself as unlimited has really limited me by dispersing and depleting my energy, affecting my ability to be in something for the long haul?

-What happens when I fully accept my limited capacity?

-How does that change where I put my energy, what I say yes to, what I say no to?

-How could this help me to be clear on my role in my personal relationships, business, activism, everything?

-How does this help me rest?

-Could it be that accepting my limited capacity can bring about the clarity of focus that results in doing more than I ever imagined?

- What could accepting our limited capacity as a culture do for us in terms of being able to sustain movements that require our energy for a long period in order to bring about transformation?

What are your thoughts/struggles/questions/celebrations with capacity?