
Connective Threads: A Doodle Reflection


When I first did this doodle the other day it felt sooo heavy. The more symptoms I wrote (I'm sure I didn't even get them all) and the more connections I drew between them, the more overwhelmed I seemed to get.

But I as I sat with it, wondering what the heck to do with it, I actually started to feel hopeful. These questions got me there:

- If everything connects to something else, how are we ever going to untangle this knot?

- What can one person do in her/his/their life to start pulling at the threads?

- If I look around and back on my life, how many thousands (millions?) of people have been pulling on threads?

- If it is all connected, are we actually all pulling on the same thread?

- What would happen if more people realized this and acted on this consciously and intentionally?

- How can all these causes come together instead of competing for attention? What kind of movement would THAT look like?

I welcome your thoughts.