digital story mural

Celebrating the Good Stuff!


How much time do you devote to the problems in your life versus the celebrations?

How much mind-space, heart-space, people-time, alone-time do you spend thinking about what isn't going well?

These things do need our attention, but boy do they become a burden when not balanced by really enjoying what is good!

So take a moment. Soak in what is going well! Let it fill up your mind, your heart, your conversations!

You might even get some fresh ideas for your challenges. Or some issues may even become non-issues... Either way, it is sure to bolster you along your creative journey.

Let us know what you are celebrating today! All good things both big and small are worthy of your time, energy, and enthusiasm.

I am celebrating big things today! The first is my 40th birthday! With this new decade, I am excited to create many new things in all aspects of my life, with one thing being the Creative Community Circle!

We are now open to new members. Click here to learn more!

Persevering Through Creative Challenges!

When things don’t go according to plan, suddenly all the feelings of excitement and enthusiasm can be replaced with feelings of frustration and embarrassment.

Have you felt that before?

When the pandemic first hit and most of us were confined to our homes, we at Studio Light Illustration decided to create a virtual community art project! We called it the COVID Art Circle and asked people from all over to submit their experiences of COVID-19 expressed within a circle.

And people responded! For over a month, we received submissions through both our Facebook page and our Hit Record page. It was lovely interaction - a project that many appreciated as a way to find some calm in the chaos and connect with others.

Then it came time for us to put it all together. Oh we hit some challenges! Technology challenges, communication challenges, and, above all, the challenges that surrounded each of our lives brought on by the pandemic!

I think if it was just me, I probably wouldn’t have been able to see it through. I might have given in to the frustration and embarrassment. But always, at some point, there was at least one of us working on it slowly in the background, moving it forward inch-by-inch.

That is the beauty of creating with others. One person doesn’t have to have all the answers and motivation. Together, the creation emerges as we all carry each other through.

And now it is done!

I present to you the COVID Art Circle Digital Story Mural. I hope you enjoy this rich tapestry that captures the diverse experiences during this pivotal time in the history of humanity.

Stay safe, healthy, and compassionate with one another. And keep creating!

Click here to watch the video.

Click here to see the Prezi.


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