Celebrating the Good Stuff!


How much time do you devote to the problems in your life versus the celebrations?

How much mind-space, heart-space, people-time, alone-time do you spend thinking about what isn't going well?

These things do need our attention, but boy do they become a burden when not balanced by really enjoying what is good!

So take a moment. Soak in what is going well! Let it fill up your mind, your heart, your conversations!

You might even get some fresh ideas for your challenges. Or some issues may even become non-issues... Either way, it is sure to bolster you along your creative journey.

Let us know what you are celebrating today! All good things both big and small are worthy of your time, energy, and enthusiasm.

I am celebrating big things today! The first is my 40th birthday! With this new decade, I am excited to create many new things in all aspects of my life, with one thing being the Creative Community Circle!

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