
The Power of Asking!


Have you found yourself in a similar situation?

I was trying to move something a little heavy and a bit awkward. I could do it. It was a struggle, but I could get it into the other room by myself.

I am noticing people around me, wondering why they aren’t giving me a hand. Can’t they see me sweating over here?!

I think about asking them, but when I look around, they all look busy and I don’t want to interrupt.

Then I hear a voice inside that says, “Just ask! They can say no!”

So, I ask and five people are suddenly at my side happy to help and it gets moved with so little effort and so much more fun!

One of them even says, “I’m so glad you asked! You help me all the time. It’s nice when I can help you.”

We could all use a little help moving things, even when they aren’t physical things.

Today, I was noticing that my excitement for the Creative Community Circle membership was all mixed up with a sense of struggle.

I could get it out there by myself. It might be a bit of a struggle, but I can do it.

As I sat with that awareness in a doodle meditation, a voice said, “Just ask! They can say no!”

So, I have an ask for you, dear supporter.

I am asking you to join me in celebrating the launch of the Creative Community Circle membership on either September 17th or October 13th. The link to register for these free events is here.

I really do think you will have fun with the creative activities I have planned and I really do want to share this thing I have been dreaming about and creating with you!

If you feel so moved, I am also asking you to share my event in your circles. If you have participated in any of my events or worked with me, it is so effective to post the event link with a few words speaking to why you feel compelled to share it with people.

Lastly, I would love to focus my marketing time and energy by interacting with others. If you know of people either in your social or business circles that could use an activity to get their creative juices flowing, I would love to do this in exchange for sharing about the Creative Community Circle.

I thank you for this kind of support. This endeavor is all about doing things together creatively which is way more fun and joyful than struggling alone!

I also don’t want you to struggle alone. So here’s your chance. If there is something I can support you with, just ask! Or maybe there are others in your life that it is time to ask for something! The worst that could happen is you get a no. But what if you get a YES?!


In addition to joining us for a free CCC Launch Celebration and Tour event, you can also learn more about the Creative Community Circle here!