Doodling Through Difficulty

I had to have a difficult conversation with someone close to me.  I needed to share a story about myself with them, but felt a bit tender and a bit triggered.

Since it would be a phone conversation, I decided to doodle during the call because I find it centering and a source of wisdom.  

Before calling, I started the doodle.  I put a big pink heart in the middle of my paper.  This set the intention that I wanted to tell my truth with love and respect for the person listening.  

As we spoke, the heart expanded with colors and swirls and some leaves.  During points of the conversation, I felt strong emotions rise up, but I could watch them and let them be without acting through them.

The doodle helped me to re-center over and over again back to my intention.  Back to the place of us just being two people who love each other and have big hearts and want what is best in the situation. It kept me out of an argument or debate about who was right and who was wrong.  

Not only did I create something on paper, but that creation literally helped me to create the experience I wanted to have with this person.  It literally helped me to create the person I wanted to be in that situation.  And those things literally help to create the world we want to live in.

Creativity moves through all of us.  It has a life and a vision and a power that anyone can experience if you give it some space.  Even if the space is just a little doodle on a small piece of scrap paper.  

How it moves through you will be different than how it moves through anyone else.  Your job is to find the ways that allow it to flow and watch what it wants to show you.  It never disappoints if you are looking with curious, non-judgmental eyes.  


If your creations are moving you to have a creative career, save the date for our next Practical Creativity Gathering on June 22. Join us for a fascinating conversation on building healthy relationships with customers with Maribel Lopez, a creative entrepreneur and founder of Vision Starts.

Or you could get things moving at any time with Creative Coaching :)