Doodle Reflection: How Much Are You Being?


How much are you doing?

It’s such a competition out there. It goes a little something like this:

“I have to take the dog for a walk.”

“Well, I have to take my dog for a 5 mile run while answering emails and practicing my breath work!”

Even meditation and mindfulness are added to the to-do list and multi-tasked away! Our value, our worth seems to hinge on all of our doings.

I certainly get caught up riding the doing-ness train right alongside everyone else. And sometimes this leads to major blocks to my creativity and joy.

Just this morning, I found myself scrolling on Instagram wondering why some people have so many more followers than me. I started spinning in what I could do and getting a little upset that what I have done hasn’t really paid off. And a voice said, “Step off the doing-ness train.”

I shot back, “But this is what people DO!”

And the voice said, “But in this moment it is not supporting who you want to BE.”

Sigh. Yes. I’m once again too focused on how much I am doing instead of asking myself, “How much am I BEING?”

Well, today, I want to be creative. I want to be joyful. I want to be kind to myself and others. I want to be inspired. I want to be rooted in my vision.

When I make this tiny shift, when I take a tiny moment to think about my being, I am reminded of what is truly satisfying and enlivening in life.

It feels like a much softer place to land. I feel my stress filter though the clouds, leaving me free and open to explore and intentionally build the creative path I am on, centered by my BEING.

How much are you being today?

If finding and removing blocks along your creative path is important to you, you will be excited to know that in September we will be launching a creative community that you can join! It will provide regular community interaction, creativity jump-starts, and lots of tools to help you on your creative journey. Stay tuned!