Are You Qualified?

Who am I to…. (Fill in the blank.)

We have all said it to ourselves so many times for so many different reasons.

Who am I to think I could make anything good? Who am I to think anyone would be interested in what I have to offer? Who am I to try to help someone else when I haven’t figured it all out?

It’s actually a good question. It just needs to be asked with a different inflection.

Who are you? What life have you lived and what have you learned from it?

We get caught up depending on outer validations. We think we need a specific certificate or degree or academic experience. Those things can be helpful. Those things are not bad at all. But those things are not everything. And those things are not always necessary.

Life moves on. Who you were in college might not be who you are now. What your interests once were, might not be what they are now.

The thing to trust is the thing that is pulling at your soul, tugging at your brain, making your hands itch to go do. If the qualifications you believe you need - if that outer validation isn’t there - I invite you to take some time validating yourself.

I’m sure your life experiences have qualified you for many things and most likely especially for the thing you are feeling passionate about in this moment.

Maybe you will need some outer qualifications, but getting clear on the inner qualifications will help you move with clarity and purpose, rather than insecurity and fear.

In the images you can see what some of what my life experiences have qualified me for and there is a blank one for you.

But don’t just stop at one. Make lots! Make your own versions! Display them in frames in your workspace so you can remind yourself over and over again that you are so very qualified to go after the dreams in your heart.

life certificate_blank.jpg