What Are the Rules?

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At the beginning of the last Creative Wisdom Doodle-Shop, I asked participants to do a 2-minute doodle of themselves.  All of the results were, of course, lovely!  But, then, I asked them this question: “What rules did you make up about what I asked you to doodle?”

For example, did they make up the rule that they had to literally doodle what they looked like - their facial features, etc?  Did they make up that they needed to use certain colors or draw themselves in a certain way?  Did it have to be realistic or “look good?”

Next, they spent 5 minutes doodling themselves as they let go of the rules.  A rich discussion followed as we explored what that process was like and the meaning of the doodles that they created. Freedom of expression, playfulness, embracing who one truly is, greater enjoyment in the process…. This was the result of putting down the rules and being more authentic!

Let me be clear.  Rules, in and of themselves are not bad!  Rules can help us to be on the same page with others. They can give parameters to a project and spark creativity.  They can give us the lay of the land and make us feel safe when entering new spaces.  

But when rules become rigid, when we take rules and don’t question them, when we follow rules even though they keep us from being who we truly are… Then, rules can be harmful.  Rules can start a process, but if they haven’t evolved with the process, then, chances are, they are no longer helpful.

What rules have you made up about yourself and your creative life?  What rules are you needing to question in order to step into freer, more authentic creative expression?

Breaking free of rules can be tricky and a little scary.  It definitely involves stepping outside of your comfort zone!  And creativity requires this of us.  This is one of the reasons why the Creative Community Circle was formed - to be a supportive place for you to take creative risks!

The doors to the community are open from 4/19 - 4/29!  You can take the Creative Journey Roadmap Assessment to get some free, helpful guidance on your creative path and to better understand how the community might help you to live the creative life of your dreams.

Our current beta pricing is $60 per month ($40 per month if you are financially challenged).  You are certain to get more than $60 worth with 6 gatherings a month, a toolkit full of helpful exercises and strategies, a forum, and more.  However, we are still developing the community and want to offer it at a lower price while we try various things.  The amazing thing is that you are sure to get lots of individual attention and have the ability to be a part of shaping it in a way that really suits you!  

If your creativity is nudging at you to explore this a little farther, I welcome you to fill out the Creative Journey Roadmap Assessment so we can connect and get you one step closer to your creative dream.