The Thing That Lights You Up

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There are so many ways to approach a New Year. Oftentimes, this can take the shape of creating more things to do and accomplish. I have decided to try a slightly different approach this year.

After some reflection, I identified a few things that really light me up that I am not giving much attention to. Some of these things were bigger concepts, but ultimately I selected one thing to focus more on this year that feels like a little thing for two reasons: 1. Because starting with something small feels less overwhelming. 2. I have a feeling that this little thing might be bigger than I think...

Although giving more attention to this little thing seems doable because it is little, the last thing I want to do is to add more things to my to-do list, no matter how little it seems. What I want is to simplify - to take little things that light me up and use them as an alignment tool - to get clear on what things are simply distractions from following my true self, my true vision, my true joy and let them go.

If this process seems a little vague, that’s because it is! I haven’t really approached a New Year in quite this way before and I’m super curious to see where it will lead. (By the way, my little thing has to do with art-making, so you will get to see where it is leading as I go,…)

What little thing lights you up that could use more attention? What are your New Year’s rituals?