
Where We Stand: Black Lives Matter

A small sixth grade boy in a moment of defiance against me woke me up to my privilege. He woke me up to the fact that just because I had genuine love in my heart for all my students, it didn't mean I was anti-racist.

So I shut up and sat down.

I threw out my lesson plan and listened to my students (99% black) tell their stories that day. That is the day my education truly began and I understood I was there to be taught more than teach.

This experience along with many, many more have brought me to a place of standing unequivocally behind Black Lives Matter. Studio Light Illustration is committed to shining the light of awareness on that what needs to be seen in order to create a future in which all beings and the earth thrive. We do this with ourselves, we do this with individuals that we serve, and we do it with the world. We may do it imperfectly, but we are committed to the growth and learning that is required to eliminate an oppressive culture in which black people and many others have endured the brunt of violence and cruelty.

As we travel down this road, here are guiding questions that come to mind:

- How do I stay curious with an open mind and an open heart to cultivate deeper understanding and connection?

- How do I share so that others can receive what I have to say?

- How do I take care of myself so I can keep showing up even when I am afraid and uncomfortable?

- How do I do the work to unpack my own emotional baggage so I don't put that burden on someone else?

- How do I do the work imperfectly and have the humility to learn instead of needing to be right or have it all figured out?

- How do I discover and use my own unique gifts so I can feel the light of my purpose even in the darkest of circumstances?

What are your questions?