
Author Tip: Your Book Means Business!


The truth is, usually when I illustrate someone's book, I get pretty attached to it. I fall in love with the characters and the message and I want others to fall in love with them too.

That’s why helping authors look at their books as a business has become an incredibly important part of our work here at Studio Light Illustration.

Whether you have already produced and published a book or whether you are just thinking about starting the process, it is never too late to start treating your book like the business it is!

For many people this might be a comfortable thought, in which case, perhaps it is just time to look into some new ideas and learn from others who are experiencing the success you want! Perhaps it is time to follow some good hashtags on Instagram or join groups full of self-publishing authors making their dreams come true.

For others, this may be a scary idea. Business doesn’t sound nearly as fun as the creative process of writing and making your book a reality…

But the truth is, as much fun as it is to hold that book in your hands, you will not be satisfied if you cannot get it in the hands of others! So it is equally important that your pour your creative juices into how to share what you love in a way that you love. And business can be just that - full of creativity in service of sharing messages from your heart!

For those who find the idea of being in the book business a little intimidating or those who need to freshen it up a little bit, it is time to explore your relationship with business.

Here are some self-reflection questions to get you started:

  • How can you make it a healthy, positive one?

  • How do you make your business something that feels exciting, creative, nurturing, and reflective of the message in your book?

  • What new business skills and practical tools would help you to be more successful with your book?


At Studio Light Illustration, we help authors investigate questions like this and more. Check out our process at