CCC Updates!

I just wanted to let you know that the CCC is undergoing some more development. I'm looking into exciting partnerships with like-minded people which will mean exciting changes, but it will take some time for these things to come to fruition.

During this time, there will be no new Creative Jump-Starts, Create-Shops or Creative Group Mentoring Sessions; however you can still access all the stuff on the website: toolkits, the video library (with LOTS of Creative Jump-Starts and other goodies), the forum, etc.

In the meantime, I would love to see your faces and you can still get live support from me through the two monthly workshops I am continuing to do in partnership with

  • Creative Wisdom Doodle-Shop, every 3rd Thursday at 3pm Eastern.

  • Thriving Artists Circle, every 1st Thursday at 3pm Eastern.

You can register for those workshops on the FeelReal site and always find the information on the Studio Light Illustration events page.

Let me know if you have any questions and happy creating :)

CCC This Week

CCC Events This Week: 

Creative Jump-Start

Monday, April 26

11:00-11:30 am ET / 10:00-10:30 am CT /  9:00-9:30 am MT / 8:00-8:30 am PT

Creative Group Mentoring Call

Tuesday, April 26

6:00 - 7:00 pm ET / 5:00 - 6:00 pm CT / 4:00 - 5:00 pm MT / 3:00 - 4:00 pm PT

I look forward to creating with you! Have a good week.

What is a Creative Jump-Start? Video!

Hello Dreamers!

I recorded a video showing you what our weekly Creative Jump-Starts entail! If your membership includes this event, please join us at 11:00 - 11:30 am eastern every Monday and start your week off with a little creativity and a little practicality!

Can’t make it then? Go to the Event Calendar. Click the blue “Load Older” link at the top of the calendar. Click on the date you missed and find a link to the recording inside!

Watch the video here.

The Importance of Loving Your Work!

My heart said, "Yes!" when I heard this today.

Kahlil quote.jpg

When you love your work, your creative work, you put that love out into the world. 

And the world needs more love.

Which means that it is actually important for you to carve out time for your creative joy!

Which means that it is actually important for you to take care of your head-space and your physical space so that creating can be joyful!

What do you need today that would help you share your joyful work with the world?

Trusting in Your Creations


Yesterday I was sipping tea and answering emails on my front porch. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement. It was a rather large Golden Orb Weaver spider weaving her web right above my front door!

She was both beautiful and terrifying. And I couldn’t ignore her. So, naturally, I spent some time doodling her, contemplating why it was that she gripped my attention - why it was she was hanging out right above my door and not out in the garden.

As I doodled, she settled into the center of her web, stillness taking over after her busy morning work. And, throughout the day, this is mostly how I found her, patiently waiting for all that her web would now provide for her.

When we live a creative life, we go through times of creative intensity. The ideas are flowing, the work is emerging, and it feels so good. But there is a time for everything, and that time can pass. And it can feel bad. It can feel like a block or like a lack of motivation or like the muse left our side and we miss her presence.

What I learned from the spider that morning is that this time is all about trust.

It takes a lot of trust and courage to even make our creations. Trust that we have something valuable to create and courage to make it when we can’t predict what the outcome will be. But trust in what we have created is so important too. It is just as important to rest in what we have made - to let it integrate and to see what ways it wants to take care of us.

This could look like celebrating its completion, reveling in the result, showing it to others, and sitting with it to integrate all that the creative process has taught you. It takes trust to stop doing for a moment. It takes courage to rest. But there is magic in this space, too, and it may just become the main ingredients for your next creative burst.

What beautiful things might your completed creations have to show you, give you, teach you if you take some time just to be with them?